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di-propionate is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, producing effective anabolic, promoting protein synthesis as well as creating a positive nitrogen balance in humans,since it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone it causes the dromastolone not to aromatize in any dosage and thus, it cannot be converted into estrogens. ... order (add to cart) azolol structurally stanozolol is not capable of converting into estrogen. likewise an antiestrogen is not necessary when using stanozolol , gynecomastia not being a concern even among sensitive individuals. since estrogen is also the culprit with water retention, instead of bulk produces ... order (add to cart) anavar anavar is a mild anabolic with low androgenic activity. its reduced androgenic activity has much to due with the fact that it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone anavar is used for strength gains and muscle hardness. it is low in androgens and doesn't produce water retention. this drug considered to be very safe. 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